St Louis is a dynamic centre of learning,
They aim to foster a happy and secure environment:
They pride themselves on nurturing creativity and embracing diversity,
While also strengthening their rich traditions.

“In an atmosphere of generosity:
We share in the journey
Towards deeper understanding
In this complex world.”

As a school the students of St. Louis ask for a supportive environment in which they can learn and mature. Students ask for the right to feel comfortable in themselves and to express their individuality. They expect an approachable and enthusiastic attitude from their teachers. An end goal for each student is to be confident, understanding, respectful adults, prepared for the outside world. St. Louis is a place in which students will form lasting friendships and a place in which students can look back upon their years as a time of happiness, learning and growth.
St. Louis assures parents that the hope for students is to work hard and respect their fellow classmates. The school gives parents a vision of their child being well adjusted, tolerant young women who is prepared for the challenges of the world outside. The students should have high moral standards and be proud to have attended St. Louis High School.
One hundred and fifty years ago, the St. Louis Sisters came to Monaghan from France. Sr. Genevieve Beale, Sr.Clemence and Sr. Clare set up their first school on Mill Street, they later moved to the North Road, then to Latlurcan and finally with the help of the people of Monaghan building their convent on the grounds of the Old Brewery.
The Infant School was set up in the 1900’s which was located on the Broad Road, the school was catered for boys and girls up to First Class. In 1963 they located to the present site on Park Road when a new six classroom Infant school was built. The school now has twelve mainstream classrooms, eight resource rooms and a P.E hall which is shared with St. Louis G.N.S
The words on the St. Louis Crest are the mottos: “Ut Sint Unum” -That all may be one -and “Dieu le Veult”- God wills it. The motto challenges us to live out the Gospel message of love and unity. This represents the transition from Religious School to Lay School
The rich traditions that each t Louis establishment prides itself on began by the Sisters of the St Louis Order who looked after the educational needs of the children of Monaghan town from 1859 – 1999, with great care, skill and enthusiasm.












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